AVEGA runs three health clinics, one in Kigali, one in Rwamagana and one in Bugesera. These health facilities were originally established for AVEGA members who had just experienced the horrors of the 1994 genocide. Many of them were raped and infected with HIV and others were wounded. In addition, they suffered from trauma owing to the horrific events they witnessed. Particularly, these centres provide free HIV/AIDS treatment and other services to survivors, whilst also providing standard healthcare delivery to the general public.
These health facilities offer a full range of healthcare from diagnoses and treatment of different diseases ranging from:
Communicable diseases:
- *Malaria
- *Tuberculosis
- *Hepatitis
Non communicable diseases:
- *Cancer (Cervical and breast cancer)
- *Blood pressure
- *Eye impairment
- *Diabetes
- *Asthma
Deficiency disease
- *Kwashiorkor
We also offer the following primary health services:
women and children’s health
- *Maternal, newborn and reproductive health
- *Vaccination
- *Nutrition
We also engage in Social mobilisation campaigns for public health in line with prevention, screening, vaccination and treatment of different diseases and availing information on health issues through the organized and supported campaigns:
- *Prevention of Malaria and other parasitic diseases through distribution of treated bed nets.
- *Avoidance of Tobacco smoking and drugs & substance abuse
- *Prevention of unintended pregnancy in adolescents and youth.
- *Awareness on abortion’s right
- *Screening Hepatitis, HIV and Tuberculosis
- *Hepatitis vaccination