+(250) 788520122 /788520115 avegaagahozo@gmail.com



AVEGA AGAHOZO (Association des Veuves du Génocide Agahozo)

AVEGA is an abbreviation of Association des Veuves du Genocide Agahozo, which translates as the Association of Genocide Widows. Agahozo is a Kinyarwanda word meaning, ‘a place where your tears dry.’
AVEGA is a non-profit organisation established in 1995 in the aftermath of the Genocide Against the Tutsi in Rwanda.

The organisation is rooted in the belief that unity makes strength. Only through our combining efforts can we successfully overcome challenges and move towards a brighter future.

Mission Statement

AVEGA is working to foster social justice for widows of the 1994 Genocide Against the Tutsi as well as other vulnerable women, children and families affected by conflict. We do this through improving access to healthcare, socio-economic opportunities and by enhancing gender parity, allowing members to transform and rebuilding their lives.

Our Vission

AVEGA seeks a nation of optimism where vulnerable women, children and families lead a dignified life free from all forms of conflict.

Activities and Focus

What We Do

AVEGA undertakes the following activities in achieving its mission:


The most pressing challenges at present include: