The Social Protection Program focuses on enhancing socio-economic access and ensuring freedom from all forms of abuse. AVEGA plays a crucial role in alleviating economic crises, improving healthcare, and addressing climate change. The program provides shelters for vulnerable families, including genocide widows, and renovates houses. We advocate for childless widows to receive a second chance at having a home and offer home-based care for widows, ensuring they receive essential support. Additionally, the program supports the community by providing sustainable energy solutions like solar energy lamps, cooking stoves, kitchen gardens, and promoting Village Savings and Loan Associations (VSLA). Through these efforts, AVEGA aims to create sustainable, empowered communities.
In all aspects of this program, AVEGA focuses primarily on the needs of its members, ensuring that each individual receives the care, support, and resources they require. By tackling the various challenges our members face, the program works to improve their lives, promote self-sufficiency, and create a path toward a brighter, more secure future and retire with dignity.